Vhutshilo 3

Vhutshilo 3 is a sequence of 10 sessions co-facilitated by a team of young adult facilitators leading groups of between 15 to 17 HIV-positive adolescent participants, both male and female, between the ages of 14-18.

Each session’s learning activities target different learning objectives; but every session also provides fun, connection among participants, facilitators, and offers a safe place to express emotion and ask for help. One of the goals of the programme is for participants to recognise that they possess considerable skills, strength, and wisdom to support one another.

Please click on the link below to download an example session.

The Sessions

  • Session 1. My Homies
  • Session 2. Choose smart: Making better decisions
  • Session 3. How HIV works
  • Session 4. Shame: Dealing with stigma and discrimination
  • Session 5. Coping with being HIV positive and understanding loss
  • Session 6. What’s love got to do with it: Having healthy relationships
  • Session 7. Safe with one or none: Staying safe in sexual relationships
  • Session 8. Standing up or standing by: Gender-based violence in our lives
  • Session 9. Know your methods: Avoid the risks of teen pregnancy
  • Session 10. A real buddy: Getting support from our friends

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