Vhutshilo 1
The curriculum was originally developed in 2006/7 and has been updated in 2020.The original curriculum underwent a research study on the pilot that was conducted by the HSRC. An additional survey of the implementation of Vhutshilo 1 in 2015 resulted in the recommendation that the curriculum needs to be updated and strengthened, changing from a peer led intervention to a youth facilitator approach.
The changes to Vhutshilo 1 include reworking all the artwork. Sessions were added on values, strengthened sexuality, puberty and negotiation skills. The improvements considered alignment to the DREAMS intervention outcomes and promotes the concept of encouraging 5 friends and mentorship.
The curriculum has 10 sessions, each an hour in duration.
Please click on the button or link below to download an example session.
1. Making Our Space
2. What Matters— Choosing the right friends
3. Making Decisions in Difficult Situations
4. Green for Go and Red for No
5. Feel Free to Feel
6. Dealing with Grief and Loss
7. Living with Change—Welcome to Puberty
8. Attraction—Show You Care in Safe Ways
9. Understanding HIV/AIDS and STIs
10.Taking Care of Ourselves